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Summer face packs for oily skin

Skin tanning, darkening and oil secretion are some major summer problems faced by most of us. Dry or oily both the skin types have their own problems. But oily skin type is a big problem during summers. It suffers a lot during summers as dust and pollution with oily skin gives skin problems. Summer also makes our skin complexion dark and due to high temperature and harmful sun rays our skin gets damaged. The only way to get out of these problems is to take care of your skin with the help of different types of summer face packs for oily skin. These masks and packs are given by Goldy Hunjan – the professional makeup artist in Ludhiana Punjab and work wonders for oily skin.

Summer face packs

Amazing summer face packs specially for oily skin

1. Sandalwood face pack – best during summers

Sandalwood has soothing effect on skin. It heals your skin and makes it feel cool. Also, it helps to prevent pimples and acne.

Mix sandalwood water with rose water and make a thick paste. Apply this paste all over your face. Let it get dry, then wash it off with warm water.

2. Lemon Juice and Cucumber

Take a teaspoon of cucumber juice and mix it with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your face. This summer face pack for oily skin is very helpful.

Especially for those who have such skin type. Lemon has skin whitening properties and cucumber helps in toning the skin and removes tan.

3. Lime Juice and Honey face pack

This is one of the best face pack of summer for oily skin. To make this pack, mix equal quantities of honey with lime juice.

Apply this all over your face. This will help to control oil and makes your skin glowing and fair.

4. Yogurt and Oatmeal face pack

Oatmeal is very good exfoliating ingredient. It helps to get rid of dead cells from skin. Mix some oatmeal with yogurt and apply it all over your face.

Let it get dry for 20 minutes and then rinse with water. Your skin will glow after applying this face pack.

5. Curd and Rice flour summer face pack

Rice flour face pack is very good for summers. This pack helps to prevent blackheads and white heads. Make a paste by mixing equal amounts of rice flour and curd.

Apply this paste on your face and keep it on your face for 20 minutes. After that, rinse your face with water.

6. Honey and Almond powder pack – best for oily skin

Soak 4-5 almonds at night and peel them next morning. After peeling, grind those almonds with some milk so that you can get a paste.

After grinding, add some honey. Apply this face pack on your face and let it dry for 15 minutes. It helps in skin whitening.

7. Tomato face pack

Take some tomato juice and mix it with curd and make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your face. And keep it for 20 minutes. Tomato juice is very good in removing scars and curd helps in improving skin color.

8. Tulsi, neem and yogurt face pack

People having oily skin are more prone to get pimples. This neem, tulsi and yogurt pack helps them in such conditions. Crush 8-10 neem and tulsi leaves in distilled water.

Now add some yogurt inside the crushed leaves. Apply this pack on your fac. Then, wait for 15 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.

9. Potato – summer face packs

Take a potato and extract its juice. Add some honey in this potato juice. Apply this face pack on your face and rinse it off after 20 minutes. This face pack is very good for oily skin people and also helps in skin whitening.

10. Aloe vera gel face pack

Take some aloe vera gel. Add half teaspoon of besan in it. Apply this face pack on your face. And after that wait for about 20 minutes and then wash it off. Aloe vera gel soothes your skin and prevents blemishes.

11. Ginger juice face pack during summer

Ginger juice is very helpful in preventing scars and marks. Mix ginger juice with some honey and apply it on your face. Let it get dry and then rinse it off.

12. Honey and Wheat bran face pack

Mix a teaspoon of wheat bran with some honey and make a smooth paste. Use this pack on your face and let it get dry. Rinse it off once it gets dry. It will help you to get a glowing and smooth skin.

Well, these are some of the amazing summer face packs for oily skin. For more such blog posts, stay tuned with Goldy Hunjan. Also, don’t forget to follow him of Facebook and Instagram.

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