There is no doubt in this that whenever you get a professional manicure your nails look better. It seems impossible to get such nails at home. But the thing is all you need to learn is how to apply nail paint perfectly? Getting to know about this helps you to get a perfectly painted nails at home. All you need to follow some tricks, suggested by Goldy Hunjan, best professional makeup artist in Ludhiana, Punjab, which can help you to apply nail paint perfectly.

How to apply nail paint perfectly? – Best Tips Ever!
- Start with right nail paint
- File and buff your nails
- Apply base and top coat your nails
- Create a defined outlined cuticle using a fine tip brush
- Apply nail paint carefully
- Allow it to dry for sometime
Start with right nail paint
Don’t buy nail paints just after looking at its color. Make sure you buy nail paints with good brands. A good nail paint leaves a smooth finishing. If you have a nail paint which is sitting on the shelf of your room for so long then before using it check whether it is still good to use or not. If it doesn’t blend after a shake then throw it and buy a new one of good brand.
File and buff your nails
Now the second step which is also an important step is to file and buff your nails. So start your manicure and use a buffer and a filer to file and buff your nails properly. Move nail file from the corner towards center while moving in one direction. Do not drag it back and forth across your nails this can harm tips of your nails. Buffing of nails should not be ignored this helps in increasing the blood circulation so that you get a smooth surface to apply nail paint. Don’t use buffer incorrectly as this can cause harm. Buffer has different grits. You should start with roughest grit.
Apply base and top coat you nails
This is a step used by professionals so you too should not skip this step to get your nails perfectly done. Oils and residue on your nails causes your nail paint to peel off so to avoid this you need a proper smooth base. For this you can use a base coat to protect your nails. After base you can apply top coat. This will add color and prevent chipping of nails and this gives a perfectly polished look to your nails.
Create a defined outline around cuticle using a fine tip brush
As we are reading about how to apply nail paint perfectly? so this is an important step. Using acetone with the help of a fine tip brush create an outline around your cuticle so as to remove extra polish around your nails. As we know it is difficult to apply nail paint with left hand for those who use right hand. So in that case this trick helps a lot.
Apply nail paint carefully
Before applying nails paint roll it between your hands for 20 seconds. This helps in mixing up the nail paint and thus prevents bubbles. After pulling the brush out of the bottle, wipe one side so as to remove excess polish from the brush. Then start applying the nail paint in smooth motion of the brush. Use three coats so as to ensure that you have applied the nail paint on entire nail.
Allow it to dry for sometime
If you don’t want your nail paint to get spoiled, make sure you let your nails get dry completely after applying the final coat. Dry type will depend on the number of coats you have applied. If you have used more than your nails will take more time to get dried completely. So give at least 20 minutes to your nails to get perfectly dry up.
Thus this is how to apply nail paint perfectly? Following these simple steps can help you to get beautiful nails at home and helps you to learn how you can get smooth base for the perfect application of nail paint.