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DIY Face Packs For Bridal Glow | 5 Magical Face Packs

DIY face packs for bridal glow | There is no doubt that everyone wish to have a clear and beautiful skin during their big day. In order to get such skin people start to use different products which are available in our markets. They don’t even bother about the prices of these products.

But still after spending a lot of money on skin care products sometimes you are still not able to get the desire results. The best thing which you can do for your skin is keep it away from harmful or the harsh chemicals which are available in the products present in the market.

Thus to get clear skin naturally you should start using these DIY face packs for bridal glow suggested by Goldy Hunjan, professional makeup artist in Ludhiana Punjab. It is very easy to make these masks as all the ingredients required are available at our homes. So here in this article we will discuss about the some of the best homemade mask for acne and darkness.

Benefits of using homemade masks

Talking about DIY face packs for bridal glow, you must know that there are number of benefits of using natural face packs:

In natural packs  we use the ingredients which are available in our kitchens or we can say we are using only natural things.

All of these ingredients being natural doesn’t have any harmful effects on your skin. These masks can be used by any skin type plus these are budget friendly.

DIY Face Packs For A Natural Bridal Glow

DIY face packs natural bridal glow

Turmeric and honey mask

Tumeric is of the material which is available in the kitchens of all. It has a number of benefits for our skin. All you need to take turmeric and around ½ teaspoon and 1 tablespoon honey. After mixing these ingredients make a paste and apply it on your face.

Tumeric has anti inflammatory properties. Honey is anti oxidant and anti bacterial. Thus combination of turmeric and honey helps in getting acne less and radiant skin.

Aloe vera mask

This face pack  is a very good option for the one who is having the issue of acne prone skin. Aloe vera has skin calming properties which help in reducing acne marks and also it is a good moisturizer which helps to get rid of dullness. Use aloe vera gel mixed with  some amount of turmeric and green tea to get best results.

Oatmeal mask

Oats are very good source of protein, vitamin E Vitamin B complex, fats and minerals. It is healthy to have oats in your breakfast. But also these oats are helpful in getting rid of dull and acne prone skin. Boil some oats in water and let the mixture get cooled.

Once it is cooled apply it on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes wash your face with luke warm water.

Banana and lemon mask

This is one of the best DIY face packs for bridal glow, good for those who have oily skin. Banana is a very good exfoliator and lemon juice contains citric acid which is helpful in drying out excessive sebum and thus thus helps in preventing skin from acne.

Olive oil helps to keep the skin moisture in balance. Take one banana and 10 drops of lemon juice and 1tsp of extra virgin olive oil. To make this mask mash the banana in a bowl and then add lemon juice and 1 tsp olive oil.

After mixing all the ingredients together apply this paste on your face. And keep it on your face for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes wash it off using warm water.

Turmeric mask

Turmeric is full of anti inflammatory properties. Thus if you are looking for DIY face packs for bridal glow and for acne   you must try this one  It helps to prevent skin from acne and dullness. Also turmeric helps in reducing acne scars and dark spots.

For this you need 3 tablespoon of turmeric powder and 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice and water. Mix turmeric powder with fresh lemon juice and add some water. Apply this mask for few hours and then wash off. Moisturize your face after sometime.

All of these face masks are very good DIY face packs for bridal glow.Choose any one face pack  as per your choice as all of these masks are natural and do not cause any side effects on your skin.

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